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Organized by Intrepid Spirit
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Welcome, intrepid adventurers, to the extraordinary world of Pulag Ultra Trail (PUT) – one of the pinnacles of Philippine trail running! Brace yourself for an exhilarating journey through the majestic landscapes that embrace Mount Pulag, Mount Awa, Mount Ugo and Mount Bidawan and the myriad of scenic landmarks that grace the path leading to Baguio City. Immerse yourself in a course meticulously crafted with the spirit of hikers in mind, a trail that transcends the ordinary. As you embark on this epic quest, you’ll discover that PUT is not merely a race, it is a gateway to a realm of unforgettable moments and untamed beauty. Whether you choose to embark on this adventure as a lone warrior in the 65 km or 132 km race category, seeking to conquer personal boundaries, or whether you opt for the shorter 20 km race category, PUT offers an experience tailored to your spirit and aspirations. The course weaves together a tapestry of nature’s wonders. Feel the earth beneath your feet as you traverse dirt paths and single track trails that whisper secrets of the untamed wilderness. Concrete becomes a mere acquaintance, allowing the untamed spirit of the trail to guide your every step. Prepare yourself for the ultimate test of endurance, as you face demanding ascents that challenge your limits and ignite the fire within. Surrender to the sheer magnificence of breathtaking descents that will leave you breathless, both in body, mind and soul. You will conquer the peaks and valleys of this extraordinary terrain. Along this epic journey, you will encounter enchanting villages and iconic landmarks that have stood the test of time. Their presence will ignite your spirit and fuel your determination, as you draw inspiration from the rich tapestry of history and culture that surrounds you. Trailblazers, join us on this extraordinary odyssey where nature’s grandeur converges with the indomitable spirit of endurance. PUT beckons you to challenge your limits, forge indelible memories, and become part of a vibrant community of trail runners who share your passion and spirit. Embrace the raw beauty of the trail and the poetic whispers of nature, which convey the essence of this remarkable event. May your journey be filled with wonder and triumph as you embark on the adventure of a lifetime.
Stay informed with the latest updates and announcements to ensure you never miss a moment of the event!
132 km Race Category ONLY
132 km Race Category ONLY
65 km Race Category ONLY
This is the estimated date / time of departure. Should the transport be full earlier or later than this, then they will wait to ensure capacity of the vehicle is reached.
This is the estimated time of departure. Should the transport be full earlier or later than this date / time, then they will wait to ensure capacity of the vehicle is reached.
65 km Race Category ONLY
20 km Race Category ONLY
This is the estimated date / time of departure. Should the transport be full earlier or later than this, then they will wait to ensure capacity of the vehicle is reached.
This is the estimated date / time of departure. Should the transport be full earlier or later than this, then they will wait to ensure capacity of the vehicle is reached.
20 km Race Category ONLY
1. A BAGGAGE COUNTER will be available for runners at the Start Line (Kabayan Central Integrated School, Kabayan) and at their respective Finish Lines (132 km – R.O.X. Camp John Hay, Baguio City / 65 km – Pito Aid Station / 20 km Babadak Aid Station).
2. Unclaimed bags six hours after end of each race category cut-off time will be disposed of accordingly.
1. To participate in this race, you must submit a duly accomplished and signed Medical Certificate. It should not be older than six months from the race start date. You can submit it online during the registration process (preferred) or provide a hard copy when claiming your race kit. Failure to submit the Medical Certificate will result in non-inclusion in the race without a refund. Please note that the same Medical Certificate can be used for other race events if it is less than six months old from the race start date. There will be no exemptions.
2. All runner-participants, volunteers, and race marshals must sign a liability and waiver form before participating in any race event.
3. Due to unpredictable mountain weather, runners must bring ALL mandatory items and gear required for their specific race category.
4. Before the race starts, all runner-participants must check-in at the Start Line within the specified date and time period for each race category. This is to have mandatory gear checked and inspected. Runners without any item of mandatory gear will not be allowed to start the race.
5. Race numbers must be worn in front and remain visible throughout the race. Failure to comply will result in a one-hour time penalty.
6. Changing race categories during a race is not allowed. If you wish to downgrade to a lower distance, you must inform the Race Director / Organizer within the regular race registration period. No refunds will be provided.
7. Runner-participants are not allowed to change race numbers or have substitutes run the race on their behalf. Registration fees are non-transferable to other persons or race events. No refunds will be given for non-participation or cancellation / postponement of the race event due to factors beyond the control of the Organizer.
8. While the Organizer will mark the route well, it is the runner-participant’s responsibility to familiarize themselves with the route and to navigate accordingly. No time credits will be given to runners who get lost. GPX files are provided for all runner-participants to use for familiarization and also for in-race for navigation. Please learn how to use your device / app to navigate “prior” to race day.
9. If drop bags are allowed in your distance category, they must be properly secured and marked with your name, race bib number, and race category name. The Organizer will not be responsible for any loss or breakages.
10. All runner-participants must have the minimum specified capacity hydration bladder or its equivalent in handheld bottles / soft flasks, as well as enough trail food to sustain them between Aid Stations. This is mandatory for each race category.
11. There are “some” potable spring water sources along the route (self-service), but you may also bring your own water or water purifying tablets. Please note that these do not always have water available and should only be used to supplement that water which you carry with you.
12. Please bring your own drinking cups as there will be no cups available in the Aid / Water stations to minimize litter.
13. Time recorders will be present at different Aid Stations / Cut-Off points. All participants must report to the assigned Race Marshal to have their names and race bib numbers recorded. Some Aid Stations also have timing mats, so it’s important to pass over them for accurate time recording.
14. If you decide to pull out of the race or declare yourself as DNF (Did Not Finish), please inform the Race Director or the nearest Race Marshal. Failure to do so may result in a suspension or ban from future race events.
15. Cell phone signals exist, but they may be intermittent, and are not available in all areas of the route. For any concerns, you can contact the provided numbers: +63 (0)998 982 4538 / +63 (0)918 923 5800.
16. If you declare yourself as DNF at any point along the route, evacuation costs will be your responsibility unless you have availed of DNF Insurance. You must wait for the Organizer to arrange your extraction, which may take some time due to remote locations and availability of transport / drivers. If you wish to self-extract, discuss and agree on a plan with Race Marshals and the Organizer for safety.
17. While the Organizer maintains the cleanliness and pre-race condition of the route, it is important for each runner-participant to be a responsible trail runner. Please mind your trash at all times. Garbage bags will be available in each Aid / Water Station.
18. Practice trail courtesy by stepping aside for overtaking runners and giving way to those going uphill. Also, be cautious when passing through rice paddies, vegetable gardens, and small villages along the route. Close all the gates you pass.
19. Do not run on any hanging bridges, and only one runner-participant should pass each bridge at a time.
20. Conduct yourself properly and treat all Race Marshals and Volunteers with utmost courtesy.
21. Unregistered runners, pacers, mules, and guides are not allowed.
22. Cheating and route-marking sabotage will result in immediate disqualification.
23. Any complaint of cheating must be made within 24 hours after the completion of the race, in writing, signed, and submitted via email ([email protected]) to the Organizer / Race Director with visual proof. Complaints made after the 24-hour period will not be entertained.
24. Race events will proceed rain or shine unless the Organizer / Race Director announces its cancellation at least 48 hours before the scheduled start time due to extreme weather or any condition that may render the route unsafe.
25. The Race Director / Organizer reserves the right to modify the rules and race route at any time for the benefit, safety, and welfare of runner participants.
26. The Organizer reserves the right to use pictures and videos taken during the race for publication in any form of media without any consideration. Owners of published photos / videos will be duly recognized. Anyone who volunteers to take event photos must seek prior approval from the Organizer.
27. No TV, film, or video crew, person, producer, director, or other broadcast media representative may accompany or cover any racer or the race event itself without specific written permission from the Organizer.
28. Official results will be published within 48 – 72 hours after the race event (or sooner, if possible).
29. The use of trekking poles is allowed, but when not in use, they should be folded or stowed to ensure they do not impede the movement of other runner-participants.
30. Personal support crews are not allowed along the route to limit traffic and congestion. Pop-up personal aid stations are also not allowed. Violation of this rule will result in immediate disqualification of the assisted runner-participant.
31. Support crews must pay their own trail fees before checking on their runners at places like Mount Pulag or Mount Ugo. Please do not use the name of the Organizer to gain free entry.
32. Mandatory gear checks will be done randomly at unannounced times and Aid Stations along the route. Failure to present any mandatory item will result in a penalty per missing item being added to the runner’s finish time. Refusal or failure to comply with the request will lead to outright disqualification. Missing mandatory items at any gear check point will prevent you from proceeding until you acquire them.
33. Running without a shirt or top is not allowed and will result in disqualification. To be clear, this is a garment designed for the upper part of the body, with short sleeves (minimum) and a tail long enough to be tucked inside pants or a skirt so that it covers completely the upper torso of the runner-participant.
34. If you take a wrong route, you must return to the correct section on foot and by no other means. Violation will result in disqualification.
35. Runner participants who do not finish within the cut-off time are not entitled to any finisher tokens. Those who do not make it within the Aid Station cut-off time will not be allowed to proceed and will be declared as DNF.
36. RUNNER SUPPORT VEHICLES OR CREW ARE NOT allowed at any point on the race course. Runners found receiving assistance outside of designated Aid Stations (unless in case of emergency) will be Disqualified (DQ).
1. For the 132 km Race Category, there will only be one drop bag station at Pito Aid Station. Drop bags must be left at the Race Start Line when collecting your Race Kit during Race Kit Claiming ONLY. If you do not deposit your drop bag during this time, your drop bag WILL NOT be available at the drop bag Aid Station at Pito.
2. Bags must not weigh more than three kilos. Excess weight must be removed before it will be accepted.
3. A BAGGAGE COUNTER will be available for runners at the Start Line (Kabayan Central Integrated School, Kabayan) and at the Finish Line (R.O.X. Camp John Hay, Baguio City).
4. All drop bags and other baggage will be ready for retrieval at the Finish Line after the race (or sooner, if possible).
5. Unclaimed bags six hours after end of the race will be disposed of accordingly.
Pacers are allowed from Pito Aid Station on. Runner-participants may have only one pacer on course with them at a time. Pacers may meet their runner and start ONLY at Pito Aid Station. Pacers must run the whole leg Pito Aid Station to Finish Line. Pacers may not continue unless accompanying their runner-participant.
In the interest of runner-participant and pacer safety, it is required that all pacers check-in with aid station personnel and sign a waiver at the respective aid station they intend to join their runner-participant. This must also be agreed to when registering as a pacer online. A medical certificate will also be required. Upon signing the waiver, pacers will receive a PACER race bib. This race bib must be worn while on course with their runner-participant. Please note, any pacers under the age of 18 will be also required to have a parent or adult legal guardian sign their waiver.
Muling (i.e. carrying a supported runner-participant’s supplies) is not allowed. Runner-participants found receiving assistance from their pacers who carry their supplies will be Disqualified (DQ).
NOTE: DNF Insurance covers the higher than normal risk that a runner may need to be extracted from the race course which incurs additional costs to the Race Organizer.
Runners for the 132 km Race Category must have officially finished at least one 50 km or longer trail race (qualifying race) to be accepted for this race category.
Runners for the 65 km Race Category must have officially finished at least one 30 km or longer trail race (qualifying race) to be accepted for this race category.
Runners for the 20 km Race Category must have officially finished at least one 10 km or longer trail race (qualifying race) to be accepted for this race category.